Prison Break
Prison Break
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beliebtesten Serien

  Sex and the city
 94 episoden, 6 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (1998-2004)
Canceled/Ended in 2004

Episode 67 de "Sex and the city"
s05e01 Anchors Away

Title: Anchors Away

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 21.07.2002 auf HBO

Regie: Charles McDougall
Drehbuch: Michael Patrick King

Guest Stars: Mark Deklin (Ship Officer), Sylvia Miles (Joan), Chandra Wilson (Police Officer), Philip Levy (Deli Manager), Mario Cantone (Anthony Marantino), Diego Lopez (Bill Hope), Liesl Ehardt (Customer), Jamie Gustis (Paul Watkins), Seth Consentino (Sweet Young Sailor), Michael Hollick (Dickie Sailor), Vincenetta Gunn (Lina), Chris Tschupp (Cute Rain Guy), Tom Myler (Joseph), Seth Gabel (Sweet Young Sailor), Michalina Almindo (Prostitute)



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