Prison Break
Prison Break
Prison Break.
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beliebtesten Serien

 132 episoden, 6 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (2001-????)
Returning Series

Episode 62 de "Smallville"
s03e18 Sag' die Wahrheit

Episode title: Sag' die Wahrheit
Originaltitel: Truth

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 21.04.2004 auf WB
Erstausstrahlung in Deutschland: 19.03.2005

Regie: James Marshall
Drehbuch: Drew Z. Greenberg

Guest Stars: Don Thompson (Chloe's Father's Friend), Gillian Barber (Mrs. Taylor), Linden Banks (Jonah Doyle), Mark Houghton (Lab Technician), Andrew Francis (William Taylor), Samantha Banton (Rebecca), Ryan Steele (Doug), Christie King (Mindy), Victoria Anderson (Hospital Receptionist), Ivan Cormak (Doctor)

Episode pictures:

Smallville photo 1 (episode s03e18) Smallville photo 2 (episode s03e18) Smallville photo 3 (episode s03e18) Smallville photo 4 (episode s03e18)
Smallville photo 5 (episode s03e18) Smallville photo 6 (episode s03e18) Smallville photo 7 (episode s03e18) Smallville photo 8 (episode s03e18)


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