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beliebtesten Serien

  The Dead Zone
 56 episoden, 4 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (2002-????)
Returning Series

Episode 5 de "The Dead Zone"
s01e05 Der Zwölfte Geschworene

Episode title: Der Zwölfte Geschworene
Originaltitel: Unreasonable Doubt

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 14.07.2002 auf USA
Erstausstrahlung in Deutschland: 12.01.2005 auf Premiere

Regie: Robert Lieberman
Drehbuch: Michael Taylor

Guest Stars: Adrien Dorval (Fan Man), Alex Diakun (Judge), Wanda Cannon (Martha), Jim Byrnes (Vic Goodman), Dion Johnstone (Prosecutor), Esme Lambert (Agatha Christie), Patricia Mayen-Salazar (Brassy), Dexter Bell (Carl Winters), Manoj Sood (Convenience Store Clerk), Kirsten Williamson (Emily (Female Witness)), Kett Turton (Goth Guy), Julia Arkos (Feather), Dean Marshall (Night School), Eric Keenleyside (Pinky), Tom Scholte (Sports Nut), Geoff Adams (Defense Attorney), Doron Bell (Kid #1), Jonathon Ndukwe (Kid #2)

Episode pictures:

The Dead Zone photo 1 (episode s01e05) The Dead Zone photo 2 (episode s01e05) The Dead Zone photo 3 (episode s01e05) The Dead Zone photo 4 (episode s01e05)
The Dead Zone photo 5 (episode s01e05) The Dead Zone photo 6 (episode s01e05) The Dead Zone photo 7 (episode s01e05) The Dead Zone photo 8 (episode s01e05)


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