Prison Break
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beliebtesten Serien

  The Dead Zone
 56 episoden, 4 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (2002-????)
Returning Series

Episode 18 de "The Dead Zone"
s02e05 Blutsbande

Episode title: Blutsbande
Originaltitel: Precipitate

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 09.02.2003 auf USA
Erstausstrahlung in Deutschland: 25.05.2005 auf Premiere

Regie: Jefery Levy
Drehbuch: Teddy Tenenbaum

Guest Stars: John Tench (Mort), Patricia Idlette (Nurse Park), Jesse Cadotte (Jonah), Courtney Kramer (Shari), Patricia Drake (Jack Webb-like cop), Jim Bremner (The Oyster Guy (Barclay)), Laura Drummond (Mother), John Shaw (Bookstore Manager), Brad Kelly (Clyde), Jacques LaLonde (Bob), Maureen Grealish (Bike Messenger), Matthew Visser (Tobey), Brandon Visser (Mickey)

Episode pictures:

The Dead Zone photo 1 (episode s02e05) The Dead Zone photo 2 (episode s02e05) The Dead Zone photo 3 (episode s02e05) The Dead Zone photo 4 (episode s02e05)
The Dead Zone photo 5 (episode s02e05) The Dead Zone photo 6 (episode s02e05) The Dead Zone photo 7 (episode s02e05) The Dead Zone photo 8 (episode s02e05)


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