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beliebtesten Serien

  The Incredible Hulk
 81 episoden, 5 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (1978-1982)
Canceled/Ended in 1982

Episode 10 de "The Incredible Hulk"
s01e10 The Waterfront Story

Title: The Waterfront Story

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 31.05.1978 auf CBS

Regie: Reza Badiyi
Drehbuch: Robert Wolterstorff, Paul M. Belous

Guest Stars: Blake Marion (2nd Policeman), Jack Kelly (Tony Kelly), John Zenda (Dockworker), Ted Markland (Marty Hammond), James Sikking (Cliff McConnell), Joe Perry (First Mate), William Benedict (Vic), Helen Page Camp (Sarah), Robert Hackman (Nightwatchman), Tonyo Melendez (Trucker), Anthony Davis (1st Policeman), John Colton (Customer)



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