Prison Break
Prison Break
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beliebtesten Serien

  The Incredible Hulk
 81 episoden, 5 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (1978-1982)
Canceled/Ended in 1982

Episode 18 de "The Incredible Hulk"
s02e08 Alice in Disco Land

Title: Alice in Disco Land

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 03.11.1978 auf CBS

Regie: Sigmund Neufeld Jr
Drehbuch: Karen Harris, Jill Sherman

Guest Stars: Brion James (Al), Marc Alaimo (Ernie), Julie Hill (Joan Roberts), Betty Anne Rees (Molly), Freeman King (D.J.), Dennis Holahan (Art Philbin), Donna Wilkes (Alice Morrow), Denice Kumagai (Sarah), Jennifer Joseph (Girl at Disco), Mo Malone (Rosalyn Morrow), Rori Gwynne (Waitress), Miles McNamara (Bernard), Ronnie diLiberto (Boy at Disco)



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