Episode 42 de "The Shield"
s04e01 The Cure
Title: The Cure
Original-Erstausstrahlung: 15.03.2005 auf FX
Regie: Scott Brazil
Drehbuch: Glen Mazzara
Guest Stars: James Tumminia (Locker Room Man), Lee Reyes (Fernando Cruz), Michael Papajohn (Mike Winston), Neil Lewis (Stank), Brandon Smith (Nathan), Wells Rosales (Tito Bueno), Cat Hammons (Hooker), Linda Castro (Mrs. Gopez), Sheri Goldner (Bartender), Robert Wu (Wayne "Scooby" Haimes), Jaerin Washington (Gang Dancer (Uncredited)), Elijah Runcorn (Boy), Fabiola Cayemitte (Elena), Howard Alonzo (Rip), Marcuis Harris (Dead-Eye), Christian Reed (T-Gun), Dannon Green (Geoffrey), Myzel Robinson (Trey), Taylor McKinney (Dre)