Episode 30 de "Practice - Die Anwälte"
s02e24 Trees in the Forest
Title: Trees in the Forest
Original-Erstausstrahlung: 30.03.1998 auf ABC
Regie: Dwight Little
Drehbuch: David E. Kelley, Frank Renzulli
Guest Stars: Andy Umberger (Unknown), Robert Schuch (Unknown), Clayton Landey (Mr. Feldman), Clement Blake (Homeless Man), Tina Lifford (Mrs. Johnson), Jacqueline Schultz (Unknown), Lavelle Roby (Judge Winter), John Pleshette (Attorney for Mr. Feldman), Tyrees Allen (A.D.A. Curtis Simmons), Antonio David Lyons (Raymond Barnette), Leontine Guillard (Celleca Barnette), Marilyn Gimms (Foreperson), Kafi Elam (Charlie Johnson), Billy Blanks Jr. (Stunt Double Raymond Barnette)