Prison Break
Prison Break
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beliebtesten Serien

  Practice - Die Anwälte  [The Practice]
 168 episoden, 8 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (1997-2004)
Canceled/Ended in 2004

Episodenliste "Practice - Die Anwälte"

Staffel 1 :

s01e01   Pilot
s01e02   Part I
s01e03   Trial And Error
s01e04   Part IV
s01e05   Part V
s01e06   Part VI

Staffel 2 :

s02e01   Reasonable Doubts
s02e02   Betrayal
s02e03   The Blessing
s02e04   Dog Bite
s02e05   First Degree (1)
s02e06   Sex, Lies and Monkeys (2)
s02e07   Search and Seizure
s02e08   The Means
s02e09   Save the Mule
s02e10   Spirit of America
s02e11   Hide and Seek
s02e12   Race with the Devil
s02e13   The Civil Right
s02e14   The Pursuit of Dignity
s02e15   Line of Duty
s02e16   Truth and Consequences
s02e17   Burden of Proof
s02e18   Ties that Bind
s02e19   The Trial (1)
s02e20   Cloudy with a Chance of Membranes (2)
s02e21   In Deep
s02e22   Another Day
s02e23   Checkmate
s02e24   Trees in the Forest
s02e25   Food Chains
s02e26   Axe Murderer (2)
s02e27   Duty Bound
s02e28   Rhyme and Reason

Staffel 3 :

s03e01   Passing Go
s03e02   Reasons to Believe
s03e03   Body Count
s03e04   The Defenders
s03e05   The Battlefield
s03e06   One of Those Days
s03e07   Trench Work
s03e08   Swearing In
s03e09   State of Mind
s03e10   Love and Honor
s03e11   Split Decisions
s03e12   A Day in the Life
s03e13   Judge and Jury
s03e14   Of Human Bondage
s03e15   Lawyers, Reporters and Cockroaches
s03e16   End Games
s03e17   Target Practice
s03e18   Crossfire
s03e19   Closet Justice
s03e20   Home Invasions
s03e21   Infected
s03e22   Do Unto Others
s03e23   Happily Ever After

Staffel 4 :

s04e01   Free Dental
s04e02   Boston Confidential
s04e03   Loser's Keepers
s04e04   Legacy (1)
s04e05   Oz (2)
s04e06   Marooned
s04e07   Victimless Crimes
s04e08   Committed
s04e09   Bay of Pigs
s04e10   Day in Court
s04e11   Blowing Smoke
s04e12   New Evidence (1)
s04e13   Hammerhead Sharks (2)
s04e14   Checkmates
s04e15   Race Ipsa Loquitor
s04e16   Settling
s04e17   Black Widows
s04e18   Death Penalties
s04e19   Till Death Do Us Part (1)
s04e20   Liberty Bells (2)
s04e21   The Honorable Man
s04e22   Life Sentence

Staffel 5 :

s05e01   Summary Judgments
s05e02   Germ Warfare
s05e03   Officers of the Court
s05e04   Appeal and Denial
s05e05   We Hold These Truths...
s05e06   Show and Tell
s05e07   Brothers' Keepers
s05e08   Mr. Hinks Goes to Town
s05e09   The Deal
s05e10   Friends and Ex-Lovers
s05e11   An Early Frost
s05e12   Payback
s05e13   The Thin Line
s05e14   The Day After
s05e15   Awakenings
s05e16   Gideon's Crossover
s05e17   What Child is This?
s05e18   The Confession
s05e19   Home of the Brave
s05e20   The Case of Harland Bassett
s05e21   Poor Richard's Almanac
s05e22   Public Servants

Staffel 6 :

s06e01   The Candidate (1)
s06e02   The Candidate (2)
s06e03   Killing Time
s06e04   Liar's Poker
s06e05   Vanished (1)
s06e06   Vanished (2)
s06e07   Honor Code
s06e08   Suffer The Little Children
s06e09   Dangerous Liaisons
s06e10   Inter Arma Silent Leges
s06e11   Eyewitness
s06e12   The Test
s06e13   Pro Se
s06e14   Judge Knot
s06e15   Man and Superman
s06e16   M. Premie Unplugged
s06e17   Manifest Necessity
s06e18   Fire Proof
s06e19   The Return of Joey Heric
s06e20   Eat and Run
s06e21   Evil-Doers
s06e22   This Pud's for You
s06e23   The Verdict

Staffel 7 :

s07e01   Privilege
s07e02   Convictions
s07e03   Of Thee I Sing
s07e04   The Cradle Will Rock
s07e05   Neighboring Species
s07e06   The Telltale Nation
s07e07   Small Sacrifices
s07e08   Bad to Worse
s07e09   The Good Fight
s07e10   Silent Partners
s07e11   Down The Hatch (1)
s07e12   Final Judgment (2)
s07e13   Character Evidence
s07e14   The Making of a Trial Attorney
s07e15   Choirboys (1)
s07e16   Special Deliveries (2)
s07e17   Burnout
s07e18   Capitol Crimes
s07e19   Les Is More
s07e20   Heroes and Villians
s07e21   Baby Love (1)
s07e22   Goodbye (2)

Staffel 8 :

s08e01   We the People
s08e02   The Chosen (1)
s08e03   Cause of Action (2)
s08e04   Blessed Are They (3)
s08e05   The Heat of Passion (1)
s08e06   The Lonely People (2)
s08e07   Rape Shield
s08e08   Concealing Evidence
s08e09   Victims' Rights
s08e10   Equal Justice
s08e11   Police State
s08e12   Avenging Angels
s08e13   Going Home (1)
s08e14   Pre-Trial Blues (2)
s08e15   Mr. Shore Goes to Town (3)
s08e16   In Good Conscience (1)
s08e17   War of the Roses (2)
s08e18   The Case Against Alan Shore (3)
s08e19   The Firm
s08e20   Comings and Goings
s08e21   New Hoods on the Block
s08e22   Cheers (a.k.a Adjourned: Series Finale)


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