Prison Break
Prison Break
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beliebtesten Serien

  Practice - Die Anwälte  [The Practice]
 168 episoden, 8 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (1997-2004)
Canceled/Ended in 2004

Episode 143 de "Practice - Die Anwälte"
s07e19 Les Is More

Title: Les Is More

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 07.04.2003 auf ABC

Regie: Dennis Smith
Drehbuch: David E. Kelley

Guest Stars: Christopher Michael (FBI Agent Gus Lewis), Terry Woodberry (FBI Agent Smoller), Cheryl Carter (Sarah Ehret), Ted Garcia (Reporter No. 3), Paul Keeley (AAG Mitchell Colt), Karen Hensel (Juanita Marshall), Brien Blakely (Reporter No. 2), Jerry Penacoli (Mitchell Roberts), Crista Flanagan (Marcia), Phillip Palmer (Anchor No. 1), Les Moonves (Himself), Sandy Grushow (Himself), Bibi Amos (Reporter No. 4), Laney Fichera (Reporter No. 5), Ben Mankiewicz (Anchor No. 6), Ben Mankiewicz (news anchor), Liam Lagola)



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