Prison Break
Prison Break
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beliebtesten Serien

  The Shield
 65 episoden, 5 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (2002-????)
Returning Series

Episode 44 de "The Shield"
s04e03 Bang

Title: Bang

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 29.03.2005 auf FX

Regie: Guy Ferland
Drehbuch: Scott Rosenbaum

Guest Stars: Andrew Abelson (Kyle), Alex Fernandez (Bob Mamyn), Ronnie Warner (Terrence), Deborah Van Valkenburgh (Gail), T.J. Rotolo (Mario), Neil Lewis (Stank), Leontine Guilliard (Chenille Jenkins), Ali Dean (Ameen), Tequan Richmond (Lionel), Jarvis George (Carl Miller), Michael J. Pagan (Big Crane), Tanya Alexander (Bounce), Izzy Diaz (Rodrigo), Michael Edwin (Foreman), Six Reasons (Alawishes "Choppa" Jenkins), Kamil Beale (Puppethead), Quinton Medina (Lil Bull), Christina Woods (Tanika), Gary Rowland (Otis), Sahar Bibiyan (Kira), Allen Maldonado (Flash), Jackie Toles-Clark (Woman), Sterling D. Ardrey (Demetrius)



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