Episode 35 de "The West Wing"
s02e13 Bartlet's Third State of the Union, Part 1
Title: Bartlet's Third State of the Union, Part 1
Original-Erstausstrahlung: 07.02.2001 auf NBC
Regie: Christopher Misiano
Drehbuch: Aaron Sorkin
Guest Stars: Larry Carroll (Newscaster #2), Richard Riehle (Jack Sloan), Kelly McNair (Pollster #1), Tony Plana (Mickey Troop), Corbin Bernsen (Henry Shallick), Keith Mills (Edgar Finney), Susan Krebs (Gail Schumer), Michael Francis Clarke (David Satch), Barbara Eve Harris (Gretchen Tyler), Molly Schaffer (Staffer), Jon Hershfield (Pollster #2), Marvin Krueger (Officer #2), Thomas Spencer (Jeff), Sean Patrick Murphy (Floor Manager), Doris McMillon (Sandy)