Prison Break
Prison Break
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beliebtesten Serien

  The Wire
 37 episoden, 3 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (2002-????)
Returning Series

Episode 37 de "The Wire"
s03e12 Mission Accomplished

Title: Mission Accomplished

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 19.12.2004 auf HBO

Regie: Ernest Dickerson
Drehbuch: David Simon

Guest Stars: Amy Ryan (Beatrice Russell), Marty Lodge), Alana Campbelle (Mayor's Secretary (uncredited)), Benjamin Busch (Anthony Colicchio (uncredited)), Derren M. Fuentes), Norris Davis (Vinson), DeAndre McCullough (Lamar), William Zielinski), Dravon James), Felicia Pearson (Snoop), Ryan Sands), Melvin Jackson Jr.), Mia Arnice Chambers), Gregory L. Williams), Edward Green (II)), Justin Burley), Reid Sasser), Melvin T. Russell)

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