Prison Break
Prison Break
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beliebtesten Serien

  Die Sopranos  [The Sopranos]
 65 episoden, 5 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (1999-????)
Returning Series

Episode 58 de "Die Sopranos"
s05e06 Sentimental Education

Title: Sentimental Education

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 11.04.2004 auf HBO

Regie: Peter Bogdanovich
Drehbuch: Matthew Weiner

Guest Stars: Kimberly Norris (Dealer #1), Mitchell Burgess ("Iowa" Burgess), Karl Bury (Tom Fiske), Angela Bullock (Clerk), Alison Bartlett (Gwen MacIntyre), Henry Yuk (Sungyon Kim), Danielle Divecchio (Barbara Giglione), Liza Lapira (Amanda Kim), Anthony Spina (Dealer #2), Kevin Aloia (Jason Blundetto), Dennis Aloia (Justin Blundetto), David Strathairn (Robert Wegler), Michelle Huber (Attractive Woman), Fran Gennuso (Ms. Mary Bisacci)



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