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beliebtesten Serien

  The West Wing
 153 episoden, 7 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (1999-????)
Returning Series

Episode 26 de "The West Wing"
s02e04 In This White House

Title: In This White House

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 25.10.2000 auf NBC

Regie: Ken Olin
Drehbuch: Aaron Sorkin

Guest Stars: Michael Cavanaugh (Pharmaceutical Company Executive), Brigid Brannagh (Harriet), Michael Chinyamurindi (Nimbala's Interpreter), Lorenzo Callender (George), Len Cariou (Alan Damson), Jerry Sroka (Reporter), Tom Gallop (Bruce), Ted McGinley (Mark Gottfried), Bill Stevenson (Jaworski), Sam Jaeger (Bill Kelley), Tracy McCubbin (Lily), Tom Hall (Mike), Sean Patrick Murphy (Floor Manager)

<-- Letzte Episode --       Episodenliste der Staffel 2                                      

Episode pictures:

The West Wing photo 1 (episode s02e04) The West Wing photo 2 (episode s02e04) The West Wing photo 3 (episode s02e04) The West Wing photo 4 (episode s02e04)
The West Wing photo 5 (episode s02e04) The West Wing photo 6 (episode s02e04) The West Wing photo 7 (episode s02e04) The West Wing photo 8 (episode s02e04)


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