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beliebtesten Serien

  The West Wing
 153 episoden, 7 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (1999-????)
Returning Series

Episode 69 de "The West Wing"
s04e04 The Red Mass

Title: The Red Mass

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 09.10.2002 auf NBC

Regie: Vincent Misiano
Drehbuch: Aaron Sorkin

Guest Stars: Richard Green (Jerry), Malachi Throne (Ben Yosef), Noel Conlon (Jason Weaver), Larry Brandenburg (Michael Jackson), John Cothran Jr. (Civilian Advisor), Lynn Tufeld (Grace), Deborah May (Janet), Robin Bartlett (Susan Thomas), Helen Duffy (Sen. White), Joe Marinelli (Morris), Hilary Salvatore (Emily), Andrew McFarlane (Anthony Marcus), Joe Cosgrove (Cardinal), Becky Meister (Sally), Brandon Noll (Staffer)

Episode pictures:

The West Wing photo 1 (episode s04e04) The West Wing photo 2 (episode s04e04) The West Wing photo 3 (episode s04e04) The West Wing photo 4 (episode s04e04)
The West Wing photo 5 (episode s04e04) The West Wing photo 6 (episode s04e04) The West Wing photo 7 (episode s04e04) The West Wing photo 8 (episode s04e04)


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