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beliebtesten Serien

  The West Wing
 153 episoden, 7 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (1999-????)
Returning Series

Episode 110 de "The West Wing"
s05e22 Memorial Day

Title: Memorial Day

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 19.05.2004 auf NBC

Regie: Christopher Misiano
Drehbuch: John Sacret Young, Josh Singer

Guest Stars: John Colella (Commentator #2), Doug Hale (Anchor), Marcelo Tubert (Saeb Mukarat), Gerald McRaney (Alan Adamley), Natalija Nogulich (Shira Galit), John Hartmann (Floor Manager), Dave McGowan (Stadium Announcer), Endre Hules (Maitre d'), Tim Lounibos (Col. Leahy), Hira Ambrosino (Commentator #1), Navid Negahban (Maz), Sonya Leslie (Nurse Parnes), Jason Isaacs (Colin Ayres), Di Koob (Nurse Rinier), Jake Mailey (Commentator #3), Makram Khoury (Nizar Farad (uncredited))

Episode pictures:

The West Wing photo 1 (episode s05e22) The West Wing photo 2 (episode s05e22) The West Wing photo 3 (episode s05e22) The West Wing photo 4 (episode s05e22)
The West Wing photo 5 (episode s05e22) The West Wing photo 6 (episode s05e22) The West Wing photo 7 (episode s05e22) The West Wing photo 8 (episode s05e22)


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