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beliebtesten Serien

  The West Wing
 153 episoden, 7 Staffel
Vereinigten Staaten (1999-????)
Returning Series

Episode 112 de "The West Wing"
s06e02 The Birnam Wood

Title: The Birnam Wood

Original-Erstausstrahlung: 27.10.2004 auf NBC

Regie: Alex Graves
Drehbuch: John Wells

Guest Stars: Marcelo Tubert (Saeb Mukarat), Natalija Nogulich (Shira Galit), Eli Danker (Doran Mazar), Ann Ducati (Maya Zahavy), Makram Khoury (Nizar Farad), Cameron Steele (Capt. Garner), Wadi Sadellah (Prayer Leader)

Episode pictures:

The West Wing photo 1 (episode s06e02) The West Wing photo 2 (episode s06e02) The West Wing photo 3 (episode s06e02) The West Wing photo 4 (episode s06e02)
The West Wing photo 5 (episode s06e02) The West Wing photo 6 (episode s06e02) The West Wing photo 7 (episode s06e02) The West Wing photo 8 (episode s06e02)


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